Lab 05: Transforms
Complete the following worksheet in pairs.
Transforms in Unity
Suppose we have placed a cube and a sphere in our scene hierarchy as follows

Suppose the cube has the following values on its transform component
translation: (2,0,0)
rotation: (0, 0, 45)
scale: (1,1,1)
Suppose the sphere has the following values on its transform component
translation: (-2, 1, 0)
rotation: (0,0,0)
scale: (1,1,1)
What are the local coordinates of the sphere’s position, up axis, and right axis?
Give the 4x4 matrix transform that corresponds to the transform component on the cube.
Give the 4x4 matrix transform that corresponds to the transform component on the sphere.
Compute the global coordinates of the sphere’s position, up, and right axes.
Character Controls
Before leaving lab today, implement the simple player controls from Assignment 05 and answer the following questions.
Draw a picture that shows the coordinate axes of the root of your character and the coordinate axes of the camera.
On you picture, draw the following quantities.
Draw the vector (characterPos - cameraPos)
Draw the point p = 5 * characterUpVector + -3 characterRightVector
Draw the vector (p - cameraPos)
Answer the following questions from the assignment writeup
How can we get the forward and up directions of a GameObject in Unity?
How can we set parameters in a script so that we can give them values in the Unity IDE?
How can we use tie to ensure the player moves smoothly?
In Unity, how can you specify a rotation around the Y axis?
When we translate the player we add a displacement. How do we "add", or concatenate, a rotation to the player?