Game Project
Idea: Due Friday, Nov 22 Project: Due Friday, Dec 13
The goals for this project are:
Explore topics that are interesting to you
Create a playable experience that you can share with others
Expand on skills and knowledge learned during the semester
Create a portfolio project
1. Requirements
Your project should create a piece of software, such as a demo, tool, or game
Your project should be unique and represent your own creativity. It is ok to use assets made by other people so long as you attribute their work.
Your final grade will be based on
Git repository - Your project should build and run in Unity, without modifications
Your README should summarize your work from the semester using text, videos, gifs, and images
Demonstrate effort and creativity. To earn an A, the final result must show quality, effort and ingenuity.
2. Milestones
Project idea: Due Nov 22nd (Informally, email or slack your idea to the instructor.)
Playable project demo: Due Dec 10th.
Final project submission: Due Dec 13th
3. Project Idea
Due Nov 22nd
Email or slack your idea and title to
Your project idea should include:
Project title/idea
How will this project be unique from existing demos?
Identify the features you plan to implement and a timeline for completing them
You will only have a three weeks to finish your project so try to scope the work appropriately. Below are some ideas:
Extend your HelloUnity homework to include features to make it a polished, playable experience. For example, you might implement battle mechanics, story elements, a win condition, enhanced UI, and cut scenes.
Add an intro screen and/or animation
Add story elements and lore
Add characters that the player can talk to
Add a battle system or other game mechanics
Improve the user interface: add a map, feedback text, or menus
Add inventory or crafting
Implement a whole new game concept (Watch out that it is not too complex!)
Implement a technical demo
Implement your own A* and character steering algorithm
Implement crowds or flocking
Implement a town of agents with daily life activities
Implement cloth simulation
Implement a procedural city or level generator
Implement a physically-based character or vehicle
3.1. Demo Day
Due Dec 10th
You will need to have videos and a playable experience ready on Dec 10th. In class and lab, we view all videos and have a Q&A for each game, followed by an open play session where we will take turns trying each others' games.
3.2. Final Submission
Due Dec 13th
If you are extending your assignments to create a stand alone game, your submission should do the following:
implement your game in a scene, called
. -
extend the readme to include
Directions on how to play
Directions on how to build and run in Unity
Screenshots and videos of your game
A list of the features you implemented for your game, with references to the scripts that implement these features
You also MUST submit an executable for your game that runs on Windows
Your executable should exit when the player presses the 'Escape' key
You must also submit a 800x450 representative image for your game/demo that has the title and your name, institution, and graduation year.
You won’t be able to commit your executable to your repository without modifying your .gitignore file carefully. Instead, you can upload your executable folder to a shared fileserver and email the instructor with the link.
For example, something like

If you are implementing a new game, you must email the instructor ( with a link to the repository with your new project. Your should include
Directions on how to play
Directions on how to build and run in Unity, particularly what scene to open
Screenshots and videos of your game
A list of the features you implemented for your game, with references to the scripts that implement these features
You also MUST submit an executable for your game that runs on Windows
Your executable should exit when the player presses the 'Escape' key
You must also submit a 800x450 representative image for your game/demo that has the title and your name, institution, and graduation year.